Friday, January 2, 2009

Guess what I got for Christmas?


I am sooooooooooooooo excited and patiently (o.k., maybe not patiently) awaiting the arrival of February 20th. That is the day that we head to Atlanta for Cirque Du Soleil! My DH surprised me with tickets on Christmas morning! I have wanted to go to Cirque ever since I became fascinated with their acrobatic abilities and their artistic expression through the use of brilliant color. I LOVE color! Don't know if they allow pics, but I will definitely share anything I can capture! Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

lucky's been in miami and we talked about going, but never made it.....i'm jealous :)

Bonita said...

A couple of years ago we were invited to attend a live feed of a Good Morning America segment on Cirque De Soleil. It was so beautiful! We also got to see what the acrobats do before and after they perform. It was interesting to watch them warm up and go through all of their little anti-anxiety tricks. Same goes for the Good Morning America reporter. She had quite a little routine she went through before the camera started.

Anyway, I hope you thoroughly enjoy that beautiful show!

nancygrayce said...

Oh, that will be so much fun! I hope you can take some pictures, but they are probably really strict about that! Hope you have a great time!

Michelle said...

Oh, and won't you be right there in Atlantic Station? I hope you have time to do some shopping and enjoying your time there! Fun stuff!!!

dana's design studio said...

Hi Becky,

Thanks for stopping by my blog. It has been a while since I visited. You have a new look to your looks great! I love your ideas!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hi, Becky, thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you liked the project & I really hope that a lot of you try it too.