little did i know that i would be cleaning out
all of my kitchen cabinets today...but when i noticed that one of my cabinets was pulling away from the wall last night...well, we had to get the repair job going early this everything, and i do mean EVERYTHING, had to come off those shelves. i guess there's never been a better time to clean out my cabinets

I hate when I'm forced to make big piles. Hope your cabinets get done quickly.
Enjoyed your pictures with poem, too!
Hi Becky
I need to do this too! No cabinets pulling away here, but I did hear a huge crash at the farm many years ago. When I walked in the kitchen the corner cabinet door was open and one of the shelves was at an angle. I didn't think I had much sitting on that shelf, but it came away from the cabinet sides!
I've been to places in St Charles and a couple in St Louis County, listed in the Girlfriend's Guide. Who knows, your mom and I might have crossed paths at some time or other. I met the authors at All About Home, a few months ago, when they were compiling the latest edition. They seemed like they would be lots of fun. The perfect authors for this guide.
Wow! That could have been a real mess!
I started cleaning mine last my kitchen looked like yours does here for a day :)
it was so worth it, though.....I love being organized once again!
Glad you discovered that cabinet issue before a big catastrophe happened! I'm one of those nosey people who enjoys seeing what you have in your cabinets. It makes me feel better about all the stuff in mine!
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